This week we will jump ahead in our textbook to Chapter 14: Searching and Sorting, since the year is quickly drawing toward a close and I want to make sure we don't miss this important chapter. It discusses the search problem and presents several sorting algorithms. In this chapter we will revisit our study of Big O notation which we investigated at the beginning of the course.
Plan for the Week
With one of our three pairs not here on Monday, we decided to postpone presentations of the tree topics assigned last week until Wednesday.
We used class today to begin looking at Chapter 14: Searching and Sorting and dividing up into new pairs and assigning the sorting algorithms from the chapter.
Here are the pairs and sorts:
- Joseph and Julissa: insertion, selection and shell sorts
- Cyrus and Nate: radix and tree sorts
- Edward and Sheel: bubble and quick sorts
- Jeff: searches (overview), and heap sort