Governor's Career & Technical Academy Arlington

CSC 223 Weekly Goals and Tasks: Week 14

CSC 223


This week we will begin Chapter 10: Efficient Binary Trees in which we will study binary search trees (BSTs), threaded binary trees, AVL trees, Red-black trees, and splay trees.

Given the number of these topics and the limited time remaining in the year, I am going to propose a divide and conquer approach to studying them.

Tuesday, May 7th and Thursday, May 9th

Classwork / Homework

It's that time again, time for NVCC course evaluations! Please login using your VCCS email address as your user name and your student ID as your password.

We'll begin class today with groups sharing their solutions to the Huffman coding problem given last week. After the presentations, we will discuss our plan for Chapter 10: Efficient Binary Trees.

We have only 5 weeks left in class, and a lot of important topics yet to be studied. I would like to propose the following approach that will balance the goals of gaining a broad knowledge of the theory with the concrete skill to implement these data structures in practice.

Let's form pairs, divide up the topics within the chapter (this can be done because they are mostly independent of each other), implement them, and have each pair present a summary of the theory along with their implementation of each topic.

The Plan

After discussing in class, here's what we came up with: Joseph and Sheel will present binary search trees and splay tress. Julissa and Nate will present Red-Black trees and threaded binary trees, and Cyrus and Edward present AVL trees. In addition, Jeff will present heaps.

The goal is to share these presentations in class on Monday, May 13th.