Examines the hierarchical structure of computer systems. Explores the representation of instructions and data, memory organization/structure, structure of a CPU, programming hierarchy and operating system interactions.
This is a 3 credit course which will combine class discussion with hands-on projects and the development of a student digital portfolio.
Course Info
- Weekly Goals and Tasks
- Planning Calendar
- Course syllabus
- NVCC Course Content Summary
- Class Presentation Rubric
- Class Git Repo Rubric
- MITS Altair Simulator
- Ubuntourist's Port of Altair 8800 Manual
- Altair 8800 Instruction Search
- MITS Altair Simulator Program Converter
- The BD Software C Compiler
- The C Reference Manual
- CPM_Altair8800_WinMacLin.tgz CP/M Assembly Language Programming by Ken Barbier
- The Altair Experience
- An Intel 8080 Assembly Suite in Python
- Altair 8800 simulator with CP/M
- 8080 Online Assembler
- emuStudio
- hexer binary for MacOS
- HexEd.it
- How to Write a Program for a 1975 ALTAIR 8800 Computer
- Intel 8080 Assembly Language Programming Manual
- BDOS system calls
- CP/M Operating System Manual
- C compiler for CP/M