This week we will continue with the two investigations we began last week - learning to use our two kinds of Altair clone, and learning enough about the Intel 8080 processor and the CP/M operating system to begin writing assembly language programs for it.
We will finish preparation today and share what we have learned in class next week.
Here is an updated schedule for presentations:
Tuesday, October 22nd
- Chapter 5: Organizaiton of CP/M - Ved
- Chapter 6: Interfacing with CP/M - Adonis
- Chapter 7: Assembly Language Programming - Cody and Marin
- Chapter 9: Register Usage in the 8080 - Anar and Caleb
Thursday, October 24th
- Chapter 10: Preserving the User's Environment - Trostin
- Chapter 11: Learning by Doing - Akshay and Jeff
- How to use the Altair Clone - Parker, Turner and Isaac
- How to use the Altair-Duino - Jamatheil, Luis and Anfal
After this we will be ready for CP/M assembly language programming!
Friday, October 18th
At the beginning of class, Ved will present his summary of Chapter 5: Organizaiton of CP/M, and Adonis will summarize Chapter 6: Interfacing with CP/M.
The rest of class will be used for study.
Wednesday, October 16th
Classwork / Homework
We will use class time and homework time today to continue working on the presentations / investigations we signed up for last week.
Ved and Adonis should be preprared to present their chapters at the beginning of class on Friday.