Governor's Career & Technical Academy Arlington

CSC 215 Weekly Assignments: Week 7

CSC 215


This week we explore the process by which our computer starts up and how we can coax it into loading an operating system. We will also begin to think about what an operating system is and what resources it provides us.

Friday, October 13th


Edward and Sheel will present the key ideas we need to understand from Chapter 3: The CP/M-Based Computer and Chapter 4: What the Operating System Provides. After that we will choose the pair to present the next two chapters in class on Tuesday, October 17th.


Read Chapter 5: Organization Of CP/M and Chapter 6: Interfacing With CP/M and take notes in a file named in your git repo.

Please have this assignment completed by 11:59 pm on Saturday. I'll be in NYC for the weekend, but I will try to evaluate your work on Sunday morning when I wake up (no promises).

Tuesday, October 10th


We will begin with Nate's summary of Chapter 2: Software Components Of the Computer System, which we will then discuss, focusing on the core feature of an operating system, providing an API for application programs that abstracts hardware - including providing a file system, memory management, and device drivers.

We'll also talk briefly about a few of the things we will not be investigating this year. If time permitted, it would have been really cool to run the serial I/O echo routine, which provides about a simple an introduction at possible to device drivers. Since we agreed that we need to move with deliberate speed toward C programming, we will have to skip this and other detours from our destination path this year.


Read Chapter 3: The CP/M-Based Computer and Chapter 4: What the Operating System Provides and take notes in a file named in your git repo.