Governor's Career & Technical Academy Arlington

CSC 208 Weekly Goals and Tasks: Week 10

CSC 223


This week we begin Chapter 3: Symbolic Logic and Proofs after taking our test on sequences.

Thursday, April 11th

Classwork / Homework

We'll start class by running this program:

import ttg

    ['p', 'q', 'r'],
    ['p => q', 'q => r', '(p => q) or (q => r)'],

After that we'll spend the rest of our class time and our homeword time working all the exercises at the end of Section 3.1: Propositional Logic.

Note: The makeup for the Sequence test is today after school beginning at 3:10 p.m.

Monday, April 8th


Sequence test!


Run the following commands to install a Python virtual environment which we can use for Python resources in support of our study of discrete math:

% cd
% python3 -m venv pyvenv
% source pyvenv/bin/activate
% (pyvenv) % pip install wheel 
% (pyvenv) % pip install truth-table-generator

Now run the following to prove the first of De Morgan's laws:

(pyvenv) % "['p', 'q']" -p "['~(p and q)', '~p or ~q']" -i False 

This should give you the following output:

|   p   |   q   |  ~(p and q)  |  ~p or ~q  |
| True  | True  |    False     |   False    |
| True  | False |     True     |    True    |
| False | True  |     True     |    True    |
| False | False |     True     |    True    |

Read the first section of chapter 3 in our text, pages 197 to 208, taking notes in your git repo. Use to prove the other of De Morgan's laws, and experiment with it until you feel comfortable you can generate different truth tables with it.