Governor's Career & Technical Academy Arlington

CSC 223 Weekly Goals and Tasks: Week 12

CSC 223


This week we will share our pair solutions to the expression tree assignment given last week.

Tuesday, April 23rd and Thursday, April 25th

Classwork / Homework

On Thursday Edward, Julissa, and Cyrus will share the solutions their pairs developed to parse a fully parenthesized infix arithmetic expression, build an expression tree, evaluate the expression, returning a number, and finally returning a postfix expression.

It wasn't too hard to come up with the final binary tree challenge I would like us to do, since it is in our textbook, and also since I fondly remember implementing it back when I took this class in the 1990s (yes, I'm that old ;-) Let's write a program to losslessly compress Alice in Wonderland using a Huffman code.

Since we will only be dealing with ASCII characters as data, we could do this in C, but I'll leave that to you. It would be great if you wanted to divide into pairs again, with two pairs doing this in Python, and one doing it in C.