Governor's Career & Technical Academy Arlington

CSC 223 Weekly Goals and Tasks: Week 5

CSC 223


This week we will conclude our study of Chapter 6: Linked Lists, and develop a new professional workflow in our use of git.

Friday, March 1st


Today we will finish add doubly linked lists to our library, committing and merging our changes into Nate's main branch.


We only meet once next week, on Thursday, March 7th, so we will use this almost week long gap (and the extra day we have to catch up next Tueday) to read and prepare for our work on our next ADT, the stack.

Create a file in your csc223 repo named where you will put your notes on stacks. Read each of the following, taking notes as you do:

  • Section 7.1: Introduction on pages 219 to 220 in our text.
  • Section 7.2: Array Representation of Stacks on page 220.
  • Section 7.3: Operations on a Stack on pages 221 to 222. Pay particular attention to this section, since it describes the abstract part of our ADT!
  • The stack definition on the NIST website.


Your notes are due by 11:59 pm on Tuesday, March 5th so that I can read over them before class on Thursday.

Wednesday, February 28th


We will begin class completing the process of gitting our circular link list library into libcsc223.

Next we will choose new pairs and assign functions for doubly linked lists. Three new files, test_dlists.c, dlist.h and dlist.c, are already in the repo to git us started.

We need to implement the following functions:

  • Julissa and Nate will write dlist_length and find_in_dlist.
  • Cyrus and Sheel will write remove_from_dlist and dlist_insert_at_index.
  • Joseph and Edward will write print_dlist and dlist_insert_in_order.

We will complete as much of this work Doubly Linked Lists as time permits, and then finish the work on Friday.


Download a copy of Pro Git, and read the following sections, taking notes:

  • About Versions Control on pages 10 to 13.
  • A Short History of Git on pages 14 to 17.
  • The Command Line on page 18.

You will have a short quiz on this reading at the beginning of class on Friday.