Governor's Career & Technical Academy Arlington

CSC 223 Weekly Goals and Tasks: Week 2

CSC 223


This week we will finish reading Chapter 2: Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms, which will provide us with the broad overview of the rest of our course.

Friday, February 9th


We will begin class with the promised short quiz on Big-O concepts. After that we will start Chapter 6: Linked Lists. Now that we have found our grove, I would like to turn our study of this chapter (and with any luck, all the chapters hereafter) into a collaborative problem solving exercise, using Nate's ctest.h and following TDD.


Read Chapter 6: Linked Lists in our textbook from pages 162 through the end of the narative Section 6.2: Singly Linked Lists on page 175. Take note in a Markdown file in your git repo. Try to summarize the operations on linked lists discussed in the subsections in ways you understand, and read through the pseudocode for understanding of the algorithms.


Let's discuss in class today how we want to organize this work.

Monday, February 5th


We will begin class with your presentations summarizing the very important ideas from the second half of Chapter 2: Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms.

After that we will talk about the problems from the end of the chapter that will be assigned for homework and how they will prepare you for the quiz on Big-O notation that we will have on Friday.


Complete Review Questions 33, 34, and 35. Look closely at question 10 in Multiple-choice Questions sections, then watch Learn Big O notation in 6 minutes and make sure you could answer questions like question 10 on any of the Big-O times described in the video.


We will have a quiz based on this homework assignment on Friday. Your evaluation for the week will be derived equally from your class presentation and your quiz score.