Governor's Career & Technical Academy Arlington

CSC 222 Weekly Assignments: Week 18

CSC 222


Happy New Year!

Friday, January 5th

Classwork: Final Project Proposal

Afer today, we have the following 7 class meetings between now and the end of the course: 1/9, 1/11, 1/16, 1/18, 1/22, 1/24 and 1/26. I would like to use this time to consolidate and solidify what you have learned about C++ programming this semester, and I like to do this by giving you the opportunity to choose a final project.

By the end of class today, send me an email (from your VCCS email address to my VCCS email address) that responds to the following prompts:

  1. Upon reflection, I have learned in our Object-Oriented Programming this past semester ...
  2. Upon further reflection, I feel I have struggled with or failed to effectively learn ...
  3. With what I have learned and what I think I still need to learn, I would like for my final project to ...
  4. My specific learning objectives for this project include ...
  5. My deliverables upon completion of this project include ...


This is a graded assignment due at the end of class. An A grade will be earned for a complete, thoughtful response. An email basically stating IDK will earn a D (you can earn a D simply by sending the email). B and C grades will occupy the spectrum between these two.

I will read your emails over the weekend and have a plan ready based on them when we meet next Tuesday.

Homework: Piles of WarCards

While I am only half way finished the explanatory text at the end of Chapter 14, I have completed working code (using proper TDD to develop it) to implement the card game War and made it available here.

Your homework assignment is to copy these files to your own git repo and to confirm that you can compile and run the both the war.cpp program and the tests in test_warcards_and_piles.cpp.

Wednesday, January 3rd

Classwork / Homework

As we near the end of our course, we will begin exploring features of C++ with which I am not yet well familiar. It took me longer than anticipated to finish the War card game implementation, which I only completed yesterday. I'll be editing Chapter 14: Objects of vectors today, to add this new material.

So, if you have not yet completed the Duriation.h and Duration.cpp assignment given you before the break, you have one more class period to do so.