Governor's Career & Technical Academy Arlington

CSC 222 Weekly Assignments: Week 17

CSC 222


This week we will continue developing our playing card objects, learning about enumerations and being introduced to sorting and inheritance along the way.

Thursday, December 19th


As promised, the set TDD exercises in Chapter 13 Exercise Set 0: Chapter Review has grown. You will have class time to begin these exercises, which we will continue at the start of the new year.

Before that, however, Brayden during 4th period, with me being his poor substitute during 1st period, will share his Fraction Calculator, using this as an opportunity to introduce both ncurses and Make.


There is no homework! Have a wonderful, relaxing Winter break!


I will be evaluating your git repos during the break for evidence of commits made during and between the last two class sessions.

Tuesday, December 17th


It's that time again. Please visit and use your VCCS email address as you login and your 7-digit NOVA ID as your password to complete your course evaluation.

The grade distribution on the last assigment was decidedly mixed, with A: 14, B: 6, C: 4, and E: 7. We will spend the first part of class discussing this assignment. I've gathered the most complete and most interesting of the work I found (with proper attribution, of course!) and added it here.

One thing that we should discuss clearly suggested by your submissions is the importance of consistency in code formatting (I'll talk about PEP 8 here and give another of my frequent shoutouts to Python ;-)

For the remainder of class time we will begin working our way through Chapter 13: Objects of vectors. Since you are accustomed to the fact that I am laying down the track as our train is moving along it you won't be surprised that Chapter 13 Exercise Set 0: Chapter Review will be growing between now and Thursday.


Read Chapter 13: Objects of vectors and use TDD to begin completing Chapter 13 Exercise Set 0: Chapter Review.