Governor's Career & Technical Academy Arlington

CSC 222 Weekly Assignments: Week 2

CSC 222


With our develop environment in place, this week we dive right in to learning C++. This is at least the 2nd, and for many of you 3rd or more, programming language, so we will keep a very rigerous pace in the beginning, moving quickly through things with which you should already be familiar.

Thursday, September 5th


Today in class we will be introduced to floating-point numbers and functions in C++.


Create a new subdirectory named ch03 inside your Exercises directory in your git repo. Complete the exercises at the end of Chapter 3: Functions from our text.


The following rubric will be used for the week's evaluation:

  • A: Working solutions to the 3 exercises in the chapter are present in the git repository. Regular commits both during class time and after show engage incremental progress toward solution development.
  • B: Partially working solutions to the 3 exercises in the chapter are present in the git repository. At least one seperate commit is made for each exercise.
  • C: Effort is evident toward making working solutions to the 3 exercises in the chapter are present in the git repository. At least one seperate commit is made for each exercise.
  • D: One or more commits made during the assignment period.
  • E: No evidence of work present.

This is due by 11:59 pm on Friday, September 8th.

Tuesday, September 3rd


During class today we will discuss types, values, and variables


Create a directory in your csc222 git repo named Exercises. Then create a subdirectory of that named ch02.

Complete the two exercises at the end of Chapter 2: Variables and types in our text, and commit them to the ch02 directory in your git repository.


You will earn credit for this assignment when your solutions to the exercises appear in your git repo.

It is due before class meets on Thursday.

Shout Out

Our goal is to foster a vibrant learning community, since the best way for all of us to learn is to learn from each other. In that spirit, I will frequently add a Shout Outs section where I will highlight particularly examples of work done in class.

This week's shout out goes to Luis, who sent me the best solution to the exercise at the end of chapter 1:

  • Bad syntax & good semantics: ..hello!My?NaMe<is|Luis;
  • Bad semantics & good syntax: The chair was shouting silently.