Governor's Career & Technical Academy Arlington

CSC 221 Weekly Assignments: Week 30

CSC 221


This week we will finish the polls app, completing our first Django project. You will also create a new git repo for your Django work.

Wednesday, April 3rd


Today we'll take a look at the component model of Django provided by Dr. Chuck:

Django MVC

Next we will have you add a link from your CSC 221 repo to your django_projects repo, as our good friend José Ejemplo did on his site.

Then we will then complete Writing your first Django app, part 5.


Complete Writing your first Django app, part 6, commiting your changes to your git repo.

Monday, April 1st


Today in class I will walk you through creating a new git repo for your Django projects on our own self-hosted git server.

We will also setup a shell alias to make it easier to start your virtual environment.


Complete Writing your first Django app, part 4, commiting your changes to your new git repo.