Governor's Career & Technical Academy Arlington

CSC 221 Weekly Assignments: Week 28

CSC 221


This week we setup our Django development environment and begin learning Django.

Wednesday, March 15th


I'm out sick again today. Since we are starting something new (Django development), and since I really need to be there to be sure you have your development environments setup correctly before we move forward, please use today to catch up with the work I know you have in other classes, and we will move forward with Django when I see you in class on Friday.

Monday, March 11th


I'm out sick (I've been sick all weekend). Please work together in your groups and see if you can help each other through the basic Django setup in my absence.

Today we will setup our Django development environments on our school laptops, by cloning gctaa_dj4e_samples and following the setup instructions in the file.

The next steps are presented by Dr. Chuck in the Installing Django on PythonAnywhere video here. Since we won't be using PythonAnywhere, we'll do this together in class where I can help guide you through the differences and where we can help each other out.

After you finish the steps in the file, you will:

  1. Create a new directory in the same parent directory where you cloned gctaa_dj4e_samples named django_projects.
  2. Activate the virtual environment you created in gctaa_dj4e_samples with:
    % source ~/gctaa_dj4e_samples/.env/bin/activate
    then change to the new django_projects directory:
    (.env) cd ~/django_projects
    and run:
    (.env) django-admin startproject mysite
  3. Edit the ~/django_projects/mysite/mysite/ file (using vim, of course ;-) and change the line:
    ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['*']
  4. Now test your setup by first changing to your outer mysite directory:
    (.env) cd ~/django_projects/mysite
    (NOTE: Running the ls command here you should see: mysite) and then starting the django webserver with:
    (.env) python runserver
  5. Point your web browser at localhost:8080 and you should see:

    Django It Worked!

    You will also see the following error message in the console:

    You have 18 unapplied migration(s). Your project may not work properly until you apply the migrations for app(s): admin, auth, contenttypes, sessions. Run 'python migrate' to apply them.

    We can fix this by doing what the message tells us to do. You can use Control-C on your keyboard to stop the development server.

  6. We now create our first Django app with:
    (.env) python startapp polls


Complete the rest of the Writing your first Django app, part 1 tutorial. Be sure to activate your virtual environment with:

% source ~/gctaa_dj4e_samples/.env/bin/activate

whenever working in your django_projects directory. Activating and deactivating your virtual environment, and down the road switching between virtual environments for different projects, is something you will need to become comfortable with.

Come to class on Wednesday ready to show me a screen like this:

Hello Polls

running on your school laptop.