Governor's Career & Technical Academy Arlington

CSC 221 Weekly Assignments: Week 27

CSC 221


Due to our originally unplanned day off on Tuesday, we will meet only once this week. As we agreed last Friday, we will use this day to finalize our database projects.

Thursday, March 7th


Work together in your groups to finish the database project we began in week 25. You should at a minimum have populate three tables, students, teachers, and classes with data from the 32 students in our CSC 221 class.

Copy your database to your group's server, and be ready to log into your server from the firebrick machine in the front of our classroom and run your sqlite3 command interpreter to show us what your group has created.

Select two members of your group to complete Unit 3: Intro to SQL: Querying and managing data on Khan Academy. Copy both the books and the groceries tables introduced, and add them to your group database.

With this added requirement, the new check-list for an A database on Monday includes the following tables:

  1. students
  2. teachers
  3. classes
  4. books
  5. groceries

We don't have time to learn about joins, so we will revisit that topic later.


Finish preparing your group presentation to have it ready to share at the beginning of class next Monday.