Governor's Career & Technical Academy Arlington

CSC 221 Weekly Assignments: Week 22

CSC 221


Welcome to Quarter 3! With the foundatons of Python programming under our belts, this week we begin our study of the Django web application framework.

Thursday, February 1st


We will begin class today with our DJ4E Group Selector Quiz.

After the quiz each group needs to choose a name for their web server (which we'll also use as the name for your group). Eligible server names include any of the web colors listed in the CSS Color Module Level 3 W3C Recommendation.


Complete Lesson 2: Introduction to Dynamic Web Content from Django for Everybody.

By complete I mean:

  1. Watch all six video lectures.
  2. Take notes!

Put your notes in a Markdown file named in your git repo.

As you watch the lectures, be sure to take notes on:

  • the HTTP request/response cycle
  • what a socket is
  • the RFC process and the democracy of the web
  • the parts of a Uniform Resource Locator (URL)
  • the most common TCP port numbers


You will have a very short quiz on the homework material when you arrive in class on Monday. This quiz and your notes will be weighted equally in determining your 2nd grade for this quarter.

Tuesday, January 30th

Classwork / Homework

First order of business today is to get those of you that have yet to complete your NVCC course evaluation using your VCCS email address as your login and your 7 digit student ID as your password. There are still several of you who have not done this yet.

I know I said that last week would be the end of our PCEP practice, but when I went about writing a Python script to choose random groups for our Django study, I realized that this was too good an opportunity to both consolidate and review to pass up.

Everyone should download a copy of this program and run it on your local machine. I will discuss it in class, and then for homework you should study it until you feel you understand it deeply.


Your first grade for Quarter 3 will be a quiz at the beginning of class on Thursday on the DJ4E random group chooser that we studied today in class on Tuesday.