Governor's Career & Technical Academy Arlington

CSC 221 Weekly Assignments: Week 3

CSC 221


This week we finish the program, summarize what we learned from it about how to write programs in Python, and prepare for a short quiz next Monday on what we learned.

Thursday, September 14th


We will begin class by sharing solutions to the Improving the program assigned for homework. Our intrepid José Ejemplo has made all the improvements together in one program.

We will study this program together learn from what José has to teach us.

We will also install the GASP Python module so that we can begin creating graphics programs in Python.


Study José's program, looking at each and every line until you feel confident you understand how it all works. Prepare for a brief quiz at the beginning of class on Monday asking questions about this program.


We will have our first quiz at the beginning of class on Monday with questions about

Tuesday, September 12th


Today in class we will finish program. You will have all class period to work on it, so that you can collaborate with your classmates.


Look at the four suggestions for improvements to our program listed in the Improving the program section at the end of Sheet 2. Choose one of these and see if you can implement it. Even if you can't get it working in the 90 minutes we allocate for homework, be sure to commit your work to your git repo.


You will earn credit for this assignment based on the work evidenced in your git repository.

Shout Out

Luka made his programming skills very apparent by completing a version of with several features of his own design.