Governor's Career & Technical Academy Arlington

CSC 221 Weekly Assignments: Week 2

CSC 221


With your git repos set up and ready to go, this week we will dive right into Python development.

Friday, September 8th


It was overly ambitious to think we could get through Sheet 2: Turning the Tables in one class period. We did acheive the main goal on Wednesday, however, establishing the workflow you will use in class all year, including the git add... git commit... git push... dance.

Today in class you will work in groups at your table to apply the process you learned on Wednesday on your own. Continue working on sheet 2, developing the program, and solving each of the challenges possed along the way. Be sure to commit each challenge to your repo.


Your evaluation this week will be based on the commit history in your repo. An A for the week will be earned if several commits are made throughout the class period showing continued progress in sheet 2.


Once again, continue studying lessons 1, 2, and 4, from Getting Down with the Unix CLI, and practicing each of the commands introduced, until you feel you are ready to use ls (with options), pwd, cd, mkdir, rmdir, rm, cp, and mv to manage files in the file system.

Also use vimtutor to develop comfort with this powerful text editor.

Wednesday, September 6th


Today in class we will complete Sheet 2: Turning the Tables together. This will give me a chance to model the software development workflow, together with the git add-commit-push dance.

Before we dive into the sheet, we will do one last bit of configuration of our development environment. We will add a file named .vimrc that configures vim to be an excellent Python IDE .

Follow the instructions here to set this up on your computer.


Continue studying lessons 1, 2, and 4, from Getting Down with the Unix CLI, and practicing each of the commands introduced, until you feel you are ready to use ls (with options), pwd, cd, mkdir, rmdir, rm, cp, and mv to manage files in the file system.

Use vimtutor to develop comfort with this powerful text editor.


At the end of this lesson, you should have a series of commits in your git repository corresponding to what we did together in class, ending with a working version of the program.