Governor's Career & Technical Academy Arlington

CSC 215 Weekly Assignments: Week 14

CSC 215


This week we will complete a project to create a Base64 converter. Scores on the quiz you took last week were excellent, indicating that you all have the understanding of bitwise operatings required. This project provides an excellent opportunity to apply your understanding to an interesting real-world problem.

Base64 Project

Project Description

The six of you will organize yourselves appropriately to complete the following tasks by 8:54 am on Friday, December 1st, so that you can use the final 30 minutes of class that day to present your results:

  1. Research Base64 encoding and present a summary of its motivation, history, and current use.
  2. Write a program in C that will read in an arbitrary source file (any source file) and output a file with the contents of the source file Base 64 encoded as described in RFC 4648.


Your grade for this project will be evenly divided between your presentation on Friday and a quiz at the beginning of class on Tuesday, December 5th in which you will be asked to perform a small application of your encoding algorithm by hand.
