Governor's Career & Technical Academy Arlington

CSC 215 Weekly Assignments: Week 2

CSC 215


This week we will run our first programs on the MITS Altair Simulator, learning to program it with machine code.

Friday, September 6th

Today we will work together in groups to write a new programs for our Altair 8800 that we will present at the beginning of class next Tuesday.

The groups are:

  • Group A Luis, Anfal, Isaac, Adonis and Akshay
  • Group B Caleb, Johan, Anar, Trostin and Ved?
  • Group C Parker, Cody, Jamethiel, Marin and Turner

Group B will add two 16-bit numbers. They will present on Friday, which means we can better distribute the three presentations (with two on Tuesday) to be able to maintain our focus and get the most out of them.

Group A will introduce us to two's complement by substracting two numbers, and Group C will show us how to multiply two 8-bit numbers.

Wednesday, September 4th

Before we start, please remind me to check our student repo page to see who still has not sent me a link to their repo for this course.

Today we will work through Part 3: Operation of the Altair 8800 together, entering and running our first program. Before we begin, download zero_ram.bin. I will show you how to use it.


We are going to perform a modified version of the adding two numbers program presented in Part 3: Operation of the Altair 8800 - B: Loading a Sample Program. Our modifications will be to replace the JMP instruction at step 12 with a HLT instruction, and to change the address locations of the two addends and the sum.

The version in the manual uses the JMP to put the program into an infinite loop so that the sum can been read on the panel display lights while it is running. Our simulator includes a view of our computer's memory, so we can read the result directly from there. To make this more visually appealing, the two addends are placed at addresses 0x30 and 0x40 respectively, and the sum is placed below them on the display at address 0x50.

Here is the program as we will run it:

1 LDA 00 111 010 3A
2 (address) 00 110 000 30
3 (address) 00 000 000 00
4 MOV (A→B) 01 000 111 47
5 LDA 00 111 010 3A
6 (address) 01 000 000 40
7 (address) 00 000 000 00
8 ADD (B+A) 10 000 000 80
9 STA 00 110 010 32
10 (address) 01 010 000 50
11 (address) 00 000 000 00
12 HLT 01 110 110 76

Here are the step-by-step instructions. First load the program:

1 00 111 010 DEPOSIT
2 00 110 000 DEPOSIT NEXT
3 00 000 000 DEPOSIT NEXT
4 01 000 111 DEPOSIT NEXT
5 00 111 010 DEPOSIT NEXT
6 01 000 000 DEPOSIT NEXT
7 00 000 000 DEPOSIT NEXT
8 10 000 000 DEPOSIT NEXT
9 00 110 010 DEPOSIT NEXT
10 01 010 000 DEPOSIT NEXT
11 00 000 000 DEPOSIT NEXT
12 01 110 110 DEPOSIT NEXT

Now load the data to add 4 and 6 together and run the program:

13 0 000 000 000 110 000 EXAMINE
14 0 000 000 000 000 100 DEPOSIT
15 0 000 000 001 000 000 EXAMINE
16 0 000 000 000 000 110 DEPOSIT
18 RUN

You will know everything worked as intended if you see 0x0A (10) at address 0x50.


Run this program several times until you feel confident you know how to do it. Change the values of the two addends and confirm that you get different results. Move the locations of the addends and sum and run the program again. Modify the program so that is computes the sum of three addends instead of two. You may find this last task a lot more challenging than you suspect. Come to class Thursday prepared to show your programs to the class. We'll use a random student selector program to choose who gets to do this.