Governor's Career & Technical Academy Arlington

CSC 215 Weekly Assignments: Week 1

CSC 215


This week we begin our study of computer systems, where we will take a look under the hood or if you prefer, behind the curtain of the increasingly ubiquitous yet ever more mystified computers that we use every day.

We will do this by taking a deep dive into the computer organization and computer architechture of an historical computer from 1975, the Altair 8800.


You've all fallen asleep and awoke back in time on January 1, 1975. It takes you several days to adjust to your new reality. There are no cell phones, no World Wide Web, and even the Internet is only known and used by a handful of scientists and engineers. Outside, dinasaurs roam (just kidding;-), and your ancient computer science teacher is a 14 year old kid in high school.

After a few weeks adjusting to your new reality, you decide that if you're going to be stuck in 1975, you might as well make the best of it. You wonder if the tech skills and knowledge you bring from the future could be of help to you in getting a leg up on the last quarter of the 20th century, and decide to work together to find out.

Browsing the magazine shelf at a 7-Eleven store (some things haven't changed since 1975, though it's been a long time since 7-Eleven has had a magazine shelf), the following issue of Popular Electronics magazine catches your eye:

Popular Electronics cover January 1975

Since you know already this is the beginning of something big, you work together doing odd jobs and such to piece together the needed $621 to purchase one of these Altair 8800 machines.

Your Altair in hand, it's time to figure out how to use it.


Do each of the following initial tasks:

We will divide up the 5 sections above amongst ourselves and prepare presentations to be shared in class on Thursday (August 29th) summarizing the information in each.

NOTE: I plan to design this culminating year in your computer science pathway with an even more student-centered, problem/project based approach then we used last year. That means that much of the responsibility for learning falls on you to actively engage with the course, and to put in the time and effort needed for success. I'll be responsible for defining the problems on which we will focus, framing our study, and on working in consultation with you to adapt and modify our goals and pacing as we go, but you will need to take control of your learning process to get the most from your experience here.