Governor's Career & Technical Academy Arlington

CSC 208 Weekly Goals and Tasks: Week 4

CSC 223


Since most of you will be SOL testing both Monday and Wednesday, the few of you in class during those days can use the time to prepare for Friday's test on sections 1.1 to 1.3 in our textbook.

Friday, March 8th


You will have a test today on the concepts in the first three sections of Chapter 1: Counting.

You can have one sheet of paper, front-and-back, for notes which you may use while taking the test.


Read the introduction to Chapter 2: Sequences, and Section 2.1: Describing Sequences on pages 135 to 144 of our text, taking notes.

We will divide up the exercises and assign them to pairs when we come to class on Tuesday.

Monday, March 4th and Wednesday, March 6th

Classwork / Homework

Complete exercises 1 through 13 from Section 1.3: Combinations and Permutations on pages 86 to 88 of our textbook. Since most of you will not be in class these two days, please email me with any questions you have or to arrange to come in before school or after school (Wednesday or Thursday only for after school) to get help.

Come to class on Friday ready for a test with similar questions to those in the exercises.