Governor's Career & Technical Academy Arlington

CSC 208 Weekly Goals and Tasks: Week 5

CSC 223


This week we will continue our study of the counting principles presented in chapter 1 of our textbook with Section 1.3: Combinations and Permutation.

Thursday, February 29th


Today in class we will finish Section 1.2: Binomial Coefficients, discussing the exercises at the end of the section.

Jamethiel will present her and Cody's solutions to exercises 8 and 13, and Isaac and Ivan will discuss their solutions to exercises 4 and 7. After that we will discuss any other exercises that you would like to discuss.


Read section 1.3, which discusses permutations and combinations. Come to class Monday prepared with any questions you have on the reading and the examples presented in the section.

As we continue to work our way through the sections in this chapter, you should be consciously preparing yourself for a test which will have questions similar to those in the sections of the chapter we have discussed. Our first such test will be on Friday, March 8th.

Tuesday, February 27th

Classwork / Homework

I am out sick today. Synergy was down Sunday, but I just entered your section 1.2 evaluations. Grades were not very good. I will give you both class time and homework time to complete your study of counting subsets, bit strings, lattice paths, and binomial coefficients.

This assignment is due at 11:59 pm tonight.

Jamethiel, Cody, Ivan, and Isaac will present their solutions in class on Thursday.


I will average Sunday's evaluation with this one and update your grades accordingly. Those of you who already have an A (not too many of you) can use this time to either review or get caught up on work for other classes.