Governor's Career & Technical Academy Arlington

CSC 208 Weekly Goals and Tasks: Week 3

CSC 223


This week will complete Chapter 0: Introduction and Preliminaries, and have a test based on the exercises in the chapter on Friday.

Friday, February 16th


Adonis will summarize our homework reading, and we will discuss the kinds of practice we need to do to convince ourselves we have a working understand of the topics presented.


Complete the practice exercises at the end of Section 1.1: Additive and Multiplicative Principles on pages 67 to 69 of our textbook. Solutions to exercises 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, and 12 are provided at the end of the book. If one of you (or prefereably, a pair) who have yet to present would like to take on exercises 4 and 10, that would be delightful.

Create a new directory named ch1_counting. Create a file for notes on this chapter, and a in which to put your exercise solutions. Use this assignment as a chance to begin learning how to markup mathematics in Markdown files on our git host.

This assignment is due on Sunday, February 18th at 11:59 pm so that I can evaluate it on Monday.


The milage will certainly vary for how much of this assignment each of you will be able to complete in the time allotted for it. I understand this, and as I have been saying throughout the year, I am looking for a commitment of at least 90 minutes of time spent on it, with the product reflecting that amount of time.

Wednesday, February 14th


We will begin class today with two presentations:

  • Direct Proof: Caleb
  • How to Organize Our Study: Trostin

Depending on the outcome of the discussion introduced by Trostin, we will assign homework.

Homework / Evaluation

Read Section 1.1: Additive and Multiplicative Principles from Chapter 1: Counting (pages 57 to 69). Take notes in a Markdown file named in your git repo. The presence of these notes will be the accountability piece we talked about in class today, and you will be credited (or not) by its presence.

Monday, February 12th


We will begin class today with two presentations on using the computer programming languages we know as tools to help us understand discrete math:

  • Sets in Python: Liam and Isaac
  • Computing Truth Tables: Luis (Python) and Akshay (C++)

After these presentations, we will discuss how to use LaTeX to mark up your mathematics in Markdown files. We'll take a look a few things José Ejemplo has been doing with this and discuss the role that sharing best practices will play in developing our learning community.

Homework / Evaluation

Create a subdirectory in your csc208 git repo named ch0_preliminaries. Use this directory to place Markdown files with notes and resources for Chapter 0: Introduction and Preliminaries from our textbook.

Since the original pacing I planned was way off, and since I need to get some third quarter evaluation into Synergy, your first evaluation for third quarter will be based the contents of your git repo.

This assignment is due at 3 pm on Tuesday, February 13th. An A evaluation will show a regular commit history of work directly related to the chapter we are studying.