Arlington Tech

Arlington Tech

AP Computer Science Principles


We have three weeks until Spring break, which means only three weeks to take care of unfinished business before the CPT starts.

Friday, March 17th

Classwork / Homework

I finished evaluating your work from Wednesday, and decided we should put off seeing any more presentations with additional resources until after you have learned to effectively make use of what we already have.

If you see your name on the list of links below, you earned full credit on Wednesday's assignment, and the questions you submitted will be candidates for the practice quiz we will have next Tuesday.

If you do not see your name on the following list, complete the three questions assigned on Wednesday, with the following requirements for an A on the assignment:

  1. The question and all answer choices are listed.
  2. The correct answer is listed.
  3. The source of the question is listed.
  4. Questions are nicely formatted using the Markdown modelled for us by Jake.

This assignment will be evaluated on Monday, March 20th at 9 am.

Sample Questions

Wednesday, March 15th

I am out sick today. During class, select three practice problems from one of the resources shared in the presentation on Monday and add them to your file.

This assignment is due at the end of class, and you have no homework today.

Monday, March 13th


During class today we will have our test on Introduction to Networking.

Immediately after the test, we will see the presentation by Noah, Anupama, Eimi, and Rockwell of their plan to earn college credit from the AP Computer Science Principles exam.

If time permits, I will discuss a networking topic not covered in Dr. Chuck's book, IPv6, and share a bit about my first experiments with it the resource I found to understand the addresses I was seeing: Shortening IPv6 Addresses.


Setup a new directory in your git repo named MultipleChoicePrep containing a markdown file named Add notes from today's presentations, including your personal assessment of the resources presented today.

This assignment is due Tuesday, March 14th at 8 am.