Arlington Tech

Arlington Tech

AP Computer Science Principles


This week we will further explore iteration, learning to use Python's while loop.

Thursday, October 27th

We'll start with some feedback from your Chapter 8 notes, including how to use triple backticks (```) for code blocks in Markdown that preserve formatting, and how to add images in Markdown.

Ch8 Notes Grades

We'll then have class time to work in groups producing doctest quiz items from the Chapter 7 Exercises.

Shout Outs

Exemplary chapter 8 notes were developed by Gabriel, Noah, Emory (with excellent use of Markdown!), Blu, Mayah, Lary, Conrad, Kiersten and Grant.


I will model creating doctest quiz items from the Chapter 7 exercises, and then you will work at your table to create your own.

Next week you will have a quiz in class with doctest questions based on the Chapter 9 exercises.


Complete Chapter 8 Exercises, paying attention for exercises that would make good doctest quiz items for the quiz you will have on Monday.

This assignment is due Saturday, October 29 at 11:59 am.

Tuesday, October 25th

Our class grade distribution for the homework assignment today is a not as strong as the last few have been:

Ch7 Ex Grades

We will start class today with a brief discussion of how to improve upon this.


We will use class time today to complete and then share solutions to the Chapter 7 Exercises assigned for homework last week.

I will present answers to several of the questions I want to highlight, and then we will discuss any other questions you would like to see.

After today, questions similar to these will be considered fair game for quizzes, so be sure you understand them.


Read Chapter 8 - While and For Loops, taking notes in a file named in your git repo.

This assignment is due Wednesday, October 26 at 7 pm.