Arlington Tech

Arlington Tech

AP Computer Science Principles


We meet two days this week. The first day, Tuesday, we will take a diagnotic exam to begin preparing for the APCSP exam next May. Please come during Archer's period if you want the full 2 hours for this.

The grade distribution for the class last week:

It's great to see 2/3rds of us earning A's. Students getting below a C are not doing their assignments. I am glad for the opportunity to talk to parents during back-to-school night this week, where I will express my overall happiness with progress of our class as well as my concerns for students falling through the cracks.

Thursday, September 29th


First, we will get back our diagnostic tests and use them to get analyze were we stand on each of the five Big Ideas in the APCSP curriculum.

Next we'll take a quick look at, and use it to talk about while loops, boolean expressions, and the concept of truthiness in Python.

If time permits, we will configure vim to be able to run git without leaving the editor (shout out to Aaron Rabach for giving us the following instructions):

  1. Download, then run:
    % sh
    in your terminal.
  2. Change the .vimrc file in your home directory to dot_vimrc (download this new version and use the mv command to put it in your home directory with name .vimrc).


Add a markdown file to your git repo named Use your homework time to web search the Advanced Placement Computer Science Principles exam, with and eye toward answering the following questions:

  1. How is the APCSP exam scored? How many of the 70 multiple choice questions do I need to get correct to earn a 5, 4, or 3 on the exam? What is the Create Performance Task and how is it scored?
  2. On which of the 5 Big Ideas did I score best? On which do I need the most improvement?
  3. What online resources are available to help me prepare for the exam in each of the Big Idea areas?

Add the results of your investigation to your file. Do the git add; git commit; git push dance at regular intervals as you add notes.

Be sure to have your work in by 1 pm on Sunday, October 2nd, so that I have time to evaluate it.

Tuesday, September 27th


During class today you will complete the diagnotic test for the APCSP exam. We'll be able to use this both to give you a feel for what you need to be able to do by next May, and to introduce you to the kinds of questions that will be given for each of the 5 Big Ideas that define the APCSP.


Complete the 2nd half of Chapter 3: Names for Numbers, beginning with How Expressions are Evaluated and going to the end of the chapter. Come to class on Thursday with any questions you have from this reading.

Be sure to try out the example programs and to commit them to your repo.

Shout Outs

Shout outs to Conrad and Jake for going above and beyond in their work on the program.

Inspired by their efforts, I put together This is just the kind of conversation in code that I hope we will have throughout the year.