CS/WebDev Daily Schedule - Fall 2024

Chris Jones's Classes

Period A Day B Day
1: 08:00-09:24 ITD 110: Web Page Design I ITE 140: Spreadsheeting for Business
Archer's Period: 09:29-09:59
3: 10:04-11:27 Planning Planning
4: 11:32-12:55 Planning ITD 110: Web Page Design I
Lunch: 13:00-13:35
5: 13:40-15:00 Capstone Capstone

Jeff Elkner's Classes

Period A Day B Day
1: 08:00-09:24 CSC 215: Computer Systems CSC 222: Object-Oriented Programming
Archer's Period: 09:29-09:59
3: 10:04-11:27 Planning Planning
4: 11:32-12:55 CSC 221: Introduction to Problem Solving and Programming CSC 222: Object-Oriented Programming