Governor's Career & Technical Academy Arlington

ITD 256: Week 11


This week will complete a project based on the 2nd unit of Dr. Chuck's PostgreSQL course, involving many-to-many relationships.

Goals for Week 11

On Monday we will take the unit 2 quiz. You can use paper notes, so be sure to write down anything you think would be helpful.

After the quiz, you will pair up and create an example database with a many-to-many relationship which you can present to class on Friday.

As we discussed, your example database will need at least two tables joined in a many-to-many relationship, and the junction table which does the joining.

In your presentation on Friday, you should show us your database, and perform one or more queries that illustrate how the many-to-many relationship works.


Prepare for a quiz on SQL Techniques when we arrive in class on Monday.