Governor's Career & Technical Academy Arlington

ITD 256: Week 5


This week we will complete our pair projects to implement and present a simple version of the SQL joins that we discussed last week.

Thursday, March 9th

We will be working today on a workflow for reveal.js presentations, but at the beginning of class, I want everyone to do the following:

Edit the README.md file in your git repo to turn it into a portal page for your work in our class. I want this to be a one stop shop where a visitor can easily locate everything they are looking for.

Goals for Week 5

This week we will:

  1. Find an online tutorial showing the join statements that Dee discusses in In Orbit and which Kaleb shared in his presentation.
  2. Create a database on dbserver and create the tables in this database needed to illustrate your joins. Both of these should be in SQL scripts in your git repo. I suggest the names create_tables.sql and insert_data.sql respectively.
  3. Write another script named show_joins.sql that runs each of the following joins:


    Feel free to include other joins as well, but you must include these.

  4. Create a reveal.js presentation of your work on our vineland.local server.

I modelled the first 3 goals for you in class last Friday, so use the example I showed you to help guide your work.

Pairs for this project are: Marin and Jamethiel, Kaleb and Telmuun, Christopher and Jack, Antonio, Vaughan and Edward, Julian and Ahmad.


Your grade for this week will be based on your database scripts in your git repo, which is due before the beginning of class on Thursday, March 8th.

You will have class time Thursday to work on your presentations, which will be due the following Monday.